
Coronation Chicken

corochicken.jpgCoronation Chicken

Created in 1953 by Cordon Blue School in London in honor of Queen Elizabeth's II coronation

5 lbs. chicken, cooked 2 tbsp. butter 1 small onion, finely chopped 1 1/4 tbsp. curry paste (Patak's) 1 1/4 tbsp. tomato puree 1/2 cup red wine 1 bay leaf Juice from 1/2 a lemon 1 Thursday Cottage Apricot Jam 12 oz. jar 1 1/4 cups of mayonnaise 1 cup and 1 tbsp. whipping cream Salt and pepper Cucumber, sliced to garnish

Remove all flesh from chicken and dice. In small pan heat butter and onion and cook for 3 minutes; add curry paste, tomato puree, wine, bay leaf and lemon juice. Simmer uncovered for 10 minutes until well reduced. Strain and cool. Beat the reduced sauce into mayonnaise and apricot jam. Whip fresh cream until softly stiff and fold into the mixture. Season, adding a little lemon juice.

Toss the chicken pieces into the sauce and garnish with sliced cucumber. Serves 8.