
Yorkshire Puddings

yorkshire-pudd.jpgYorkshire pudding is an English savoury dish similar to the American popover, and made from batter. It is most often served with roast beef, or any meal in which there is gravy, or on its own. Gravy is considered an essential accompaniment by many. It may have originated in Yorkshire, but is popular across the whole country.

The Yorkshire pudding is a staple of the British Sunday dinner, though only when beef is the meat, and in some cases is eaten as a separate course prior to the main meat dish. This custom was common in Yorkshire until the late 20th century, having arisen in poorer times, to provide a filling portion before the more expensive meat course, "Them that eat most pudding gets most meat" is the most common saying. Because the rich gravy from the roast meat drippings was used up with the first course, the main meat and vegetable course was often served with a parsley or plain white sauce.

yorkshire-puddingmix-lg.jpgYorkshire puddings are often the subject of eating feats and in May 2006 in Clifton, West Yorkshire 400 were eaten in one sitting.

When baked with sausages (within the batter), it is known as toad in the hole. In pub cuisine, Yorkshire puddings may be offered with a multitude of fillings, with the pudding acting as a bowl. It can also be eaten as a sweet dish, with jam, golden syrup, or sugar.



Yorkshire Pudding Recipe - with Eggs, Plain Flour, Milk, Cold Water & Lard Ingredients

2 Eggs 4 oz (125g)
Plain Flour 1/4 Pint (150ml)
Milk 1/4 Pint (150ml)
Cold Water
Salt & Pepper
2 tbsp Lard or Dripping or Cooking Oil*

Pre-Heat the Oven to 425F (220C, Mark 7). Crack open the Eggs into a cup and mix well. Add the Milk and Water together in a jug. Sieve the Flour into a large bowl and season with a sprinkling of Salt & Pepper. Pour the Eggs into this and stir together well with a fork.

Gradually pour in the Milk and Water and stir until you have a stiff batter. Beat or whisk well until you have no lumps **. Allow to rest for half an hour.

Slip the Lard or Dripping into a deep sided baking tin and place just this in the oven. Allow to heat up until visible smoking. Quickly, but carefully, take out and rest on the top of the oven. Pour in the Batter mixture. Place back into the oven and bake for around half an hour until the batter is puffed up, golden brown and crispy.
Serve immediately
Serves 4 as a side dish to a main meal.

Yorkshire Pudding - Notes
* Not the healthiest of ingredients, but Lard does have a higher smoking point than Vegetable Oil. This is important if you want a successful puffed up crispy Yorkshire Pudding. The hotter the fat is when the batter first hits it the better the end result.

Once in a while won't hurt, but alternatively use Vegetable, Groundnut or Sunflower Oil, but not Olive.
** If you have a hand blender place all of these ingredients in a jug and just wiz until thoroughly mixed. If you don't then these instructions should help avoid lumpiness.